Urban Ministry Scholarship Program
As we seek to bring new clergy to leadership in our urban churches, we want to empower them through their college and seminary education. We are investing in creative, entrepreneurial urban pastors who will bring transformational spirit to our churches. The City Society awards scholarships to persons who are planning to serve in urban ministry settings. There is an application process, and our Scholarship Committee selects the winners.
The Society can make a Difference!
We are providing a new wine skin for this student whose mind and soul have been fermented in creative theological reflection. We are able to be God’s agents of love in transforming an individual person’s life – one who will then pay it forward in many special ways. It’s a great example – this seminarian will be able to be a creative and transformative pastor because of the investment we make in their academic work.
Click here to download the guidelines & Application
Reverend William M. James dedicated over 70 years of his life to ensure that Harlem’s inhabitants would continue to flourish through, spiritual, educational, cultural and economic development opportunities. He involved himself in changing the lives of society’s disenfranchised outcasts. His dedication to programs and self involvement through many representatives from public to private sectors enhanced the lives of Harlem’s needy.
Dr. James’ commitment to educational advancement was the catalyst for positive economic and social mobilization. Rev. James’ vision, dedication and activist qualities have led to the establishment of this scholarship fund that ensures that the future continues to be bright and that recipients will be inspired to meet local and global challenges.