IRA Rollover

If you are 70½ years old or older and have a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you can use your required minimum distribution (RMD) to support The United Methodist City Society (UMCS) through an IRA Charitable Rollover gift. You will pay no income taxes on the gift from your RMD. Alternatively, under the SECURE Act, you can elect to push your RMD until age 72.

To Qualify

  • You must be 70½ or older at the time of your gift
  • The transfer must go directly from your IRA to UMCS
  • Your total annual IRA gift(s) cannot exceed $100,000
  • Your gift must be made by December 31

Next Steps

  • Contact your IRA administrator
  • Ask that your RMD distribution be a direct charitable rollover to:
    The United Methodist City Society
    475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1922
    New York, NY 10115
  • Please make sure that your name and address are included in the funds transfer

To Qualify

You must be 70½ or older at the time of your gift

The transfer must go directly from your IRA to UMCS

money_round [#1181]Created with Sketch.

Your total annual IRA gift(s) cannot exceed $100,000

Your gift must be made by December 31

Next Steps

Contact your IRA administrator

Ask that your RMD distribution be a direct charitable rollover to: The United Methodist City Society 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1922 New York, NY 10115

Please make sure that your name and address are included in the funds transfer