Aisha Campbell
Children’s Program Director
(212) 870-3098
For the past 21 years, the United Methodist City Society has provided guidance and assistance to churches that operate after-school and summer programs. In this model the City Society provides support to 8-14 churches per year which allows for the development of more effective program management and operation systems – giving staff and leadership at these churches the tools to provide more impactful programming to the children and families they serve.
Disclaimer: A copy of our most recently filed financial report is available from the Charities Registry on the New York State Attorney General’s website at or, upon request, by contacting the Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or us upon request, by contacting us at 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1922, New York, NY 10115  or by calling (212) 870-3084. You may obtain information on charitable organizations from the New York State Office of the Attorney General by calling (212) 416-8401.