United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway

Serving The Far Rockaway Community For More Than 40 YEARS!


In 1983, Rev. Judy Bennett’s vision for a women’s crisis center in Far Rockaway gave birth to The United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway also known as the Mission at Far Rockaway. As the center began to take shape, it became apparent that the community had pressing needs that required attention.

The Mission responded by expanding its services to include a soup kitchen, clothing bank, youth ministry, homeless drop-in center, and a social service referral system. In 1986, the center moved to larger premises at 1649 Smith Place and extended its programs to address alcohol addiction, substance abuse, and homelessness. 

The homeless drop-in center proved to be a game-changer as it gave people a sense of belonging and an opportunity to transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency.

The Mission’s work has been guided by the Gospel mandates of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and providing hospitality and spiritual, social, and physical services to foster self-confidence and pride in every human being. Today, the United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway is one of the most significant feeding programs in Queens, providing grab and go meals, food pantry, and emergency food assistance. The Mission’s impact on the community has been profound, and it continues to offer hope and transformation to those in need.

The Food Pantry operates two days a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Grocery bags with donated food items are distributed during these hours. Emergency food may be obtained at any time with a letter of referral from an agency.

Grab and Go Meals are served from 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM Monday – Friday.

Food Pantry

Tuesdays and Thursdays

9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Grocery bags with donated food items are distributed during these hours. Emergency food may be obtained at any time with a letter of referral from an agency.

Grab and Go Meals

Monday – Friday

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM


Location : United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway 1032 Beach 19th Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691

Phone : (718) 327-5071

Many New Yorkers Still Struggle With Food Insecurity


Over the past 10 years, the United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway has served over 700,000 clients through our soup kitchen and food pantry.

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Far Rockaway Mission

The Far Rockaway mission is a subsidiary of the United Methodist City Society, and operates with grant assistance from the New York Annual Conference, United Way, the Food Bank of NYC and NYC’s DSS Community Food Connection Program. The success of the mission is also attributed to the food donations and financial support from community organizations, local churches and individual donors.


What People Say

" I love attending this church! I enjoy coming together for worship and events with our big believing family. I have felt my personal growth and strength in serving people making this world a better place."
Anna James
" I love attending this church! I enjoy coming together for worship and events with our big believing family. I have felt my personal growth and strength in serving people making this world a better place."
Anna James
" I love attending this church! I enjoy coming together for worship and events with our big believing family. I have felt my personal growth and strength in serving people making this world a better place."
Anna James